Our micro podcast

We asked five grant recipients to share their experiences in our micro podcast.

Emily, Trampolining for all

Woman in graduation robe standing outside door

Emily talks about sharing your passions, coming out of your shell, and making sport more inclusive.

As an outreach officer with the Edinburgh University Trampoline Club, Emily wanted to help open the club to the wider community. She developed a project that gave young people in Edinburgh with disabilities the chance to try trampolining.


Greig, Apex 5 expedition

Medical graduate outside wearing scrubs

Greig talks about coping at high altitude, persevering when things go wrong, and becoming a better doctor.

He was one of the six medical students who organised an altitude research expedition to Bolivia whilst at university. Their research at 4,700m studied the effects of low oxygen on the human body, including how personality affects perception of mountain sickness symptoms.


Thiu, Voices of World Christianity

Man standing in front of a harbour, looking straight to camera.

Thiu talks about conversations with friends, finding people who understand us, and missing out on coffee catch-ups. 

Together with his two PhD friends at the School of Divinity, Thiu started a new podcast. It focuses on topical issues relating to World Christianity and promotes research of the New College students and graduates at the university and beyond.


Vanessa, Leapfrogging Beyond Borders

Woman smiling at camera

Vanessa talks about smart transport, changing your definition of success, and working out what you want to do with your life.

While at university, Civil Engineering graduate Vanessa co-founded an outreach project aimed at holding smart transport workshops at high schools across Sub-Saharan Africa and India. The initiative reached more than 1100 students across seven different countries.  ​​​​​


Charlie, Student trek to India

Man in blue shirt looking at camera

Charlie talks about feeling helpless, making clothes with hemp, and motivating yourself.

During a sustainable fashion trek to India, where he travelled with 23 other students, Charlie got inspired to set up his own business. After learning how environmentally damaging growing and processing cotton is, he now sells hemp shirts for living, which require five times less water than cotton to be made.
