Information for grant recipients

Advice on how to acknowledge your grant funding and what to report on when your project is complete.


Please acknowledge the Student Experience Grant funding and the support of our donors by using our logo and acknowledgement line where possible, such as on equipment, websites, printed materials or event marketing.

Acknowledgement line

This project was supported by alumni and friends of the University of Edinburgh through the Student Experience Grants scheme.

Download our logo from SharePoint

Grant report

We’re delighted to have awarded you an alumni-funded Student Experience Grant and would like to find out how you got on with your project.

The grant report consists of project expenditure and feedback.

Please return the completed report to us, along with any receipts, within one month of completion of the project and no later than by the relevant deadline listed below, unless we have agreed alternative terms with you.

Send your completed grant report to

Sorry, we don’t accept paper submissions of grant reports. We’re fond of trees.

Reporting deadlines

Grant awarded in Grant report due
Spring 2019 31 March 2020
Autumn 2019 31 January 2021
Autumn 2020 31 January 2022
Winter 2021 31 March 2022
Autumn 2021 31 January 2023
Autumn 2022 31 January 2024
Autumn 2023 31 January 2025


Send us an email or call us if you have a query. We'd like to help.

Student Experience Grants

Development and Alumni

Contact details