Autumn 2021 awards

Student Experience Grants awarded in the autumn 2021 round of applications.

Clubs, societies and social enterprises

Club, society or social enterprise Project title Project overview Amount awarded
Community BEES Portobello Wildflower Reintroduction Project To cultivate and replant the Portobello coastal strip with wildflowers. £1,000
Edinburgh University Boat Club Purchase of coastal rowing boats Funding for four coastal rowing boats to allow the club expand into the growing discipline that is coastal rowing. £5,000
Edinburgh University Canoe Club Polo Team Purchase of performance level boats The aim of this project is to make the team more accessible by purchasing performance level boats suitable for women and larger players. £5,000
Engineering for Change Winds of Change Designing and constructing an affordable and efficient local wind turbine for Edinburgh community use. £300
Edinburgh University Cycling Club (EUCC) Improving EUCC's inclusivity and removing financial barriers through club bikes Funding to purchase mountain and road bikes and the required kit for use by students who do not have equipment of their own, in order to encourage more students to participate in cycling. £5,000
Edinburgh University Formula Student Proposal for equipment to manufacture and test an electric powertrain Purchase of equipment to manufacture and test an electric powertrain on the society’s formula student car. £4,984
Edinburgh University Jazz Orchestra University Jazz Orchestra Network This project aims to bring together a community of student-led jazz orchestras from universities around the United Kingdom to participate in collaborative concerts and social events. £2,237
Edinburgh University Sub-Aqua Club Advanced exploration of underwater Scotland To expand the club’s current diving by gaining equipment and experience, allowing them to discover new and remote dive sites around Scotland. £5,000
Gaelic Football Club Shinty-Hurling exhibition  To host an “International Test Series” between the (Scottish) Edinburgh University Shinty Club and the (Irish) Gaelic Football Club. £1,020
HYPED - Hyperloop Edinburgh European Hyperloop Week 2022 The student-led group plan to co-organise and participate in the second European Hyperloop Week, an annual international event that enables students, guest speakers, companies and hyperloop enthusiasts to discuss its technology, feasibility and scalability. £5,000
University of Edinburgh Humanoid Robotics Society HumanEd This project aims to build prototypes in the first steps to the group’s primary goal of creating a humanoid robot from scratch. £3,390
WellMed Peer Support Mental Health and Wellbeing Conference: Diversity and Inclusivity To host a Mental Health and Wellbeing Conference with the theme of Diversity and Inclusivity, where experts will be invited to talk about the topic and its role in mental health. Students will have an opportunity to present abstracts and posters. £960

College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

School Project title Project overview Amount awarded
Business School International Market Research Consultancy Group The group will prepare a report for a client organisation and this will entail a domestic student trek geared around helping students to understand international trade.  £5,000
Edinburgh College of Art 20 Minutes of Action: Fringe Show 2022 This project aims to generate a conversation regarding women’s safety and educate audiences on the victim-blaming culture surrounding incidents of sexual assault. It will also encourage participants to question how they can behave differently in the future. £5,000
Edinburgh College of Art All day conference - The Future for Women in Music A full day conference on the future of music for women, consisting of panel discussions and workshops run by industry experts and university staff, followed by a live music event. £4,150
Edinburgh College of Art Climascores ESALA Climate Action members propose a programme of workshops to engage ESALA students and the wider community in the development of ‘Climascores’ - climate-related recipes for material revaluing and community making. £3,000
Edinburgh College of Art Festival of Work from the MSc Sound Design 2021-22 A festival for the MSc Sound Design 21/22 cohort to present a body of sound work and research to an audience and a panel of industry experts. £5,000
Edinburgh College of Art Fruit Salad, Queer Cabaret A student-led cabaret that showcases queer performance art in all its forms. It will give students a chance to express themselves in a safe and creative environment thus nurturing talents that would otherwise go unseen. £3,000
Edinburgh College of Art Integrating Eco-critical Thinking with Art History A series of workshops bringing together art historians to develop eco-critical art history methods within the Environmental Humanities. £1,350
Edinburgh Law School Gypsy, Roma, Traveller Access to Justice Clinic Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities in Scotland and throughout the UK face grave human rights abuses. This project seeks to plug this justice gap and enable further access to justice for these communities through a student co-created clinic. £4,300
Moray House School of Education and Sport Assessment Feedback - what do students want and need This project aims to gather student perspective on feedback in order to enhance the quality of assessment feedback. £3,840
Moray House School of Education and Sport Dissertation Buddies Peer Support This project builds on a successful pilot study of peer support during the dissertation phase of postgraduate taught (PGT) degrees. £2,145
Moray House School of Education and Sport Drug use and abuse in sport To host a guest lecture on current thinking regarding drug use and abuse in sport, and prevention of misuse. £380
Moray House School of Education and Sport Expanding Sports Science Literature in Kenya To promote academic literature in developing countries, while giving Edinburgh University students access to elite athlete data. £2,426
School of Health in Social Science 1001 Think Tank: Co-producing parent-infant mental health resources within low and middle income countries (LMICs) This project will offer student Changemakers from across the University the opportunity to co-produce bespoke mental health resources with and for parents and babies living within LMICs alongside multi-disciplinary professionals. £4,994
School of Health in Social Science ConveRACEions: A PGR student-led initiative tackling racial inequality Inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement in October 2020, this project aims to create virtual and accessible spaces for people to have a conversation, dialog, or discussion about matters related to racial equality and justice. £1,000
School of Health in Social Science Supporting students with caring responsibilities (SCR): Buddy scheme project The aim of this project is to encourage SCRs to follow their life goals of successfully completing any academic programme at the University with optimal support through the use of a Buddy scheme and subsequently a digital toolkit co-designed by students. £4,999
School of Social and Political Science I Can See A Face (On The Side Of The Crags) - Single To digitally distribute an original song written during a period of student isolation, while enabling access of underrepresented individuals within the University to the music industry. £500
School of Social and Political Science Lawyers Without Borders (LWOB) - Edinburgh Human Rights Clinic The Edinburgh Student Division of LWOB seek to establish Scotland’s first student-led Human Rights Clinic at the University. £1,865

College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine

School Project title Project overview Amount awarded
Edinburgh Medical School A group intervention to improve wellbeing for frontline healthcare workers A pilot intervention to trial the effectiveness of Cognitive Analytic Therapy for students who are working as healthcare professionals during the Covid-19 pandemic. The project aims to improve their wellbeing as online postgraduate students. £2,500
Edinburgh Medical School A needle in a haystack? Finding a supervisor for your undergraduate research This project aims to use a mixed methods approach to identify key elements of assessment that undergraduate students can use to find a suitable supervisor. £4,925
Edinburgh Medical School Bringing the best practices in research to high school pupils This initiative will develop and deliver outreach resources and activities to get young people engaged with open and reproducible research. £4,400
Edinburgh Medical School Edinburgh Open Research Conference To organise a hybrid conference on Open Research in May 2022 and create resource package to share before and after the event. £5,000
Edinburgh Medical School Health Tech Incubator This project aims to train and mentor students with an interest in digital health and telemedicine on how to develop their ideas, through a three-month health tech incubator programme. £5,000
Edinburgh Medical School Wellbeing activities: 'Back to Nature' series A collaboration with WellMed, a student mental health peer support group, and the Vet School. The project will link in to the Medical School’s Wellbeing Wednesday initiative and external events to highlight student wellbeing and WellMed as an avenue of support. £1,736
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies Animal Aspiration Edinburgh - BAME/WP Summer School This collaborative project aims to host the first BAME/WP Veterinary Medicine and Science summer school to help raise awareness and tackle the lack of diversity. £4,984

College of Science and Engineering

School Project title Project overview Amount awarded
School of Engineering Darwin III Funding for the University of Edinburgh’s rocketry team to participate at the European Rocketry Challenge 2022, in Portugal. £4,980
School of Engineering FastMedCare Enhancing the reliability of healthcare services delivery in Rwanda and Burundi's hospitals and healthcare centres. £3,500
School of Engineering Precious Plastic Edinburgh Construct and optimise a plastic-recycling machine in order to reduce the quantity of plastic waste on campus. £750
School of Engineering The Adventure Table This is a voluntary project that will give students the opportunity to use table-top role-playing as an innovative medium to fight food poverty and help young people in the local community develop social skills. £4,820
School of GeoSciences Science and engineering collaboration The aim of this project is to seek multi-discipline research collaborations between researchers from different schools in the College of Science and Engineering through organising bi-weekly discussion forums. £3,468
School of GeoSciences Wheelchair fencing training camp in France Funding to attend a week-long wheelchair fencing training camp and competition with the national team in Antibes, France in April 2022. £500
School of Mathematics Tackling Elitism: Amplifying Widening Participation experiences A series of events that aim to ensure Widening Participation students' voices at the University of Edinburgh are heard in the institution, through outreach, networking, and community-building. £1,500
School of Physics and Astronomy School of Physics and Astronomy PhD Student Conference A three-day conference for 53 PhD students hosted in the Scottish Highlands during Flexible Learning Week in February 2022. £5,000

Non-academic departments

Department Project title Project overview Amount awarded
Centre for Research Collections and Museums Flourish in Auld Reekie: FAR Better To develop a new, free mental wellbeing resource focused on flourishing, through stories steeped in heritage, available to the University and civic communities. £2,970
Information Services Open Edinburgh - Improving Equality and Diversity online with Wikipedia Create new Wikipedia pages using content from the University of Edinburgh to increase the diversity of content shared and openly accessible to all. £4,964